Thank you for your overwhelming response. Abstract submission is now closed!

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The deadline for submission of abstracts in any category is September 15th.
  • Abstract submission can ONLY be done through the FHNO 2024 website. Abstract submissions are available online only. Abstracts sent by email, fax or post will not be considered.
  • Only delegates registered for FHNO2024 are allowed to submit abstracts.
  • The abstract can be submitted under one of the following themes:
    • Clinical research (Surgical oncology, Medical oncology, Radiation oncology)
    • Diagnostics
    • Public Health Research
    • Implementation Research
    • Basic / Translational Research
    • Quality of Life
    • Quality of Life
    • Health Economics / Health Technology Assessment
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Survivorship
  • Abstracts must contain original material, not published or presented at any other meeting before the FHNO 2024 meeting.
  • Only abstracts submitted in English will be accepted.
  • All abstracts (for poster or oral presentation) must be submitted in the same prescribed format.
  • The abstract should not contain any tables. No Images, graphs or illustrations are allowed in the abstract.
  • The presenting author needs to be identified at the time of submission.
  • The names and affiliations of all authors must be stated.
  • The abstract text should be restricted to 2500 characters (approximately 250 words). Your abstract will be automatically curtailed beyond this limit.
  • The abstract should be submitted as a structured abstract under the following headings: Title, Authors, Background / Purpose, Methods, Results & Conclusion. (Word limit applies to the Background / Purpose, Methods, Results & Conclusion only). Please do not mention the author's name or institution anywhere in the abstract; otherwise, it will mean automatic disqualification.
  • The names of the authors and the lead author cannot be changed after submission. Any one author from the list of names provided during submission can present the paper.
  • Please indicate your acceptance for either oral / podium presentation or e-poster presentation by marking the relevant box in the submission process.
  • The submitted scripts will be reviewed by a panel of experts in a blinded and coded fashion; the delegates shall be informed about the acceptance (either for Oral presentation / E-Poster presentation) subsequently.
  • Decisions of the FHNO 2024 Abstract Committee about acceptance and category (Oral/e-poster) of presentation shall be conveyed by email.
  • Papers accepted for oral presentation shall have the opportunity of podium presentation of their work at the conference. A few selected E-poster shall have the opportunity to present their work as short presentations in a multi-learning platform at FHNO 2024. The rest of the posters shall be displayed as free papers at the conference venue and will be open for viewing by delegates during the conference.
  • The Best Oral presentation and E-poster shall receive an award. The rest of the participants shall receive an acknowledgement certificate from FHNO 2024.
  • The award and podium presentations shall be for members only. However, those who are currently not members shall submit their abstract but the consideration for award and podium presentation shall be subject to the conformation of their membership after application for the same.
  • The FHNO 2024 Committee reserves the right to withdraw a paper at any time. CRITERIA FOR DISQUALIFICATION (Oral / E-poster)
    • Disclosure of author(s) name(s) or affiliation(s) directly or indirectly anywhere in the text of the paper.
    • Previously published study.
    • Papers previously presented in FHNO.
    • Plagiarized / doctored study.
Guidelines for Video Presentation Submission

  • It is mandatory for presenting authors to register for the conference.
  • The videos must highlight routine or innovative procedures, newer techniques or even examination of a patient.
  • Video Submissions may be submitted under the following themes: Surgical procedures, Radiotherapy procedures, Evaluation techniques, Chemotherapy Procedures, Innovative Techniques, or other Head and Neck oncology-related videos.
  • Video Presentation should be based on the original work of the presenting authors.
  • The videos will be reviewed by our reviewers. The top 10 videos will be selected for presentation in the Best Video Competition at FHNO 2024. The rest of the selected videos shall be played sequentially on A-V screens in designated areas throughout the conference. The authors don't need to be present at the designated Video Presentation area, and there shall be no simultaneous podium presentation. The authors shall receive the participation certificate.
  • The video & Abstract submission deadline is September 15th.
  • Both a written abstract and a video must be submitted for evaluation.
  • The written abstract must explain what the video is aiming to demonstrate (150 words).
    • File format: .Mp4
    • Duration: Maximum 8 minutes
    • The 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio is preferred. Please edit in the native format of your camera if you can. 4:3 is acceptable. However, please do not “stretch” your video.
    • The maximum video size should not exceed 1.5 GB.
    • Patient Privacy: Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, must not appear. Written consent must be obtained from each person appearing in the work.
  • It is recommended/preferable that the videos be self-explanatory with an voice over in the background and no subtitles.
  • The Video should open with a title and listing of authors. It is recommended that a short title and operating surgeon / institution be noted at the bottom of the video throughout its length, to ensure continuity.
  • Videos shall be evaluated by a screening committee before acceptance.
  • Decisions of the FHNO 2024 Abstract Committee about acceptance or otherwise shall be conveyed by email.
  • The FHNO 2024 Committee reserves the right to withdraw a paper at any time.
    • Disclosure of author(s) name(s) or affiliation(s) directly or indirectly anywhere in the text of the paper.
    • Previously published video.
    • Previously presented in FHNO.
    • Manufacturer’s demo videos.
Steps For Abstract / Video Submission:

  • Log on to the FHNO 2024 website.
  • Click on Abstracts.
  • Read the general guidelines.
  • Click on the category in which you want to submit the abstract.
  • Read the guidelines for abstract submission in that category.
  • Now upload your abstract / video.
  • Once it is uploaded, press the submit button on the screen.
  • Only, if you get a dialogue box on the screen that your “Abstract has been submitted successfully” has your abstract been successfully uploaded.